The North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP) is an operational program that seeds clouds for hail damage reduction and rain enhancement in western North Dakota. Counties currently participating in the program are Bowman, McKenzie, Mountrail, Williams, and part of Slope.
North Dakota Cloud Modification Project
Warm Season Cloud Seeding Science
The cloud-seeding process aids precipitation formation by enhancing ice crystal or raindrop production in clouds. This is accomplished by using glaciogenic (ice-forming) agents, such as silver iodide or dry ice. As seeding accelerates the precipitation process, the seeded cloud becomes a more efficient producer of precipitation.
Silver iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) have been selected for their environmental safety and superior efficiency in producing ice in clouds. Aircraft-borne technologies can be used to add the particles to the clouds.
To reduce the severity of a potential hailstorm, cloud seeding is used to increase competition for cloud water through the addition of more, efficient ice nuclei, and to spread the energy released by the storm over a larger area.
Weather Modification Projects in North America
Weather Modification Projects in North America. Graphic courtesy of North American Weather Modification Council.